
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 12/6

Every year at this time I look for ways to reach out to those who need this season's comfort and joy but who find the holidays to be a difficult time... Perhaps you're one of those folks or perhaps you know some others who are...  Let's  pray together...












    the jolly jingle's all around -
    but not in every heart...

    Red and green are everywhere -
    but some folks
    just feel blue...

    The rushing 'round to buy and wrap
    lonely souls...
    Plans for Christmas eve
    the ones who'll be alone...

    This merry month can be,
    for some,
    the saddest time of year...            
    So, help me, Lord,
    to share, not miss,
    the comfort I might share...
    Help me see
    when clouds of blue surround
    and shade my neighbor's heart...
    Help me hear and tend
    whose tears may fall
    as Christmas bells chime out... 
    Help me wrap my love,
    a gift to share
    with those who'll be alone...

    You came, O Lord,
    as one like us,
    to heal our wounds and grief...

    You know our loss,
    you share our pain,
    you feel our empty ache...

    Then drop a blessing
    from your hand
    on brokenhearted souls:
        your gentle touch
        as soft as snow
        - your peace on Christmas day...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake,
    watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we keep the watch with you
    and sleep, rest in your peace...

Your Hands by JJ Heller

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I have unanswered prayersI have trouble I wish wasn't thereAnd I have asked a thousand waysThat you would take my pain awayYou would take my pain away
I am trying to understandHow to walk this weary landMake straight the paths that crooked lieOh Lord, before these feet of mineOh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking    Heaven standsWhen my heart is breaking    I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earthYou healed the broken, lost, and hurtI know you hate to see me cryOne day you will set all things rightYeah, one day you will set all things right
Your hands, your hands that shape the worldAre holding me, they hold me stillYour hands that shape the worldAre holding me, they hold me still




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