
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 12/8

Are you old enough to remember this line from the old Ivory Soap ads?  99 44/100% pure!
Today's Pause for Prayer
for the feast of the Immaculate Conception which celebrates the purity of the Virgin Mary.

The dictionary defines pure as

O Lord!
Would that these words described me and my purity
but I fail in so many ways
in living out what these words describe...

I will never be as pure as your Mother, Lord,
but I can pray to be more pure than I have been,
more pure than I am... 
Help me be more pure, Lord, 
    in my thoughts,
    in my speech,
    in my deeds,
    in my motives,
    in my intentions,
    in my relationships,
    in my imagination,
    in my desires,
    in my dreams, 
    in my hopes,
    in my ambition,
    in my choices,
    in my  will,
    in my heart,
    in my vision,
    in my love of you, O God,
    in my love of my neighbor
    and in my love of my self...

That’s a lot of purity to pray for, Lord!
When I start to think it's too much,
when I think I can't do it, 
help me remember the angel's word to Mary:
Nothing is impossible with God!





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