
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 12/17

On the third Sunday of Advent the church rejoices that we are half way down the path to our celebration of Christmas.  Sometimes, however, our personal emotions are hard put to match the season alive around us.  When it's not easy to find joy, when it's difficult to rejoice, we might pray this way...

I rejoice, Lord,
in every joy I've ever known

and in those I’ve forgotten –

help me remember and savor them all…

I rejoice in the simple joys of childhood:
in summer days and winter snows,
and so many things now lost as memory fades...


I rejoice in those who've loved me

in my family, all my friends,

and strangers who with kindness

have gently crossed my path…

I rejoice in your desire, Lord,

to bless my heart with joy,

with serenity and peace…

I rejoice in your forgiving me

each time I turn to you for mercy and for pardon…


I rejoice in knowing, Lord,

that even when I'm sad
joy is waiting to surprise me…

In everything I praise you, Lord,
and thank you for your love:
today's the day that you have made
and in it I rejoice...






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