
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 12/31

Overwhelmed by Carolyn LeGrand
When there's too much going on,
   give me your peace, Lord...

When I'm feeling overwhelmed,
   come lift me up... 

When things move much too fast,
   then slow me down...
When I think I just won't make it,
   give me hope... 

When I don't know where to turn,
   show me the way...

When I'm totally confused,
   give me your wisdom...

When I'm locked inside my fear,
   come set me free... 

When I hurt inside and out
   touch me with healing... 

When I wonder where you are,
   show me your face...

When I cannot find an answer,
   speak your truth... 

When I don't know what to pray,
   send me your Spirit...

When I'm feeling all alone,
   stay by my side...

When I'm tired and worn out,
   refresh my strength...
When I cannot face the day,
    be my first step...

And when I cannot fall asleep,
   send me sweet dreams...





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