
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 12/14

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Today (December 14) is the feast of Saint John of the Cross, a 16th century priest, poet and mystic.  Today's prayer flows from his words found in this perfect Advent poem.

    If you want,
    the Virgin Mary will come walking down the road to you,
    pregnant with the holy,
    and she will say to you,
     “I need shelter for the night –
    please take me inside your heart -
    my time is so close.”

    Then, under the roof of your soul,
    you will witness
    the sublime intimacy,
    the divine,
    the Christ
    taking birth forever,
    as Mary grasps your hand for help:
    for each of us
    is the midwife of God -
each of us…

    Yet there, under the dome of your being,
    does creation come into existence eternally,
    through your womb, dear pilgrim --
    the sacred womb in your soul --
    as God grasps your arms for help;
    for each of us is His beloved servant,

    If you want,
    the Virgin Mary will come walking down the street
    pregnant with Light   
    -  and she will sing...

    Translation by Daniel Ladinsky in Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the

Pause for Prayer
For each of us the midwife of God - each of us... 
You were born in Bethlehem, Lord, 
over 2,000 years ago,
and I know you won't be born again 
on December 25th - and yet -
on every day, in every age
you take flesh,
you dwell among us and within us,
you're incarnate in my neighbor,
friend and foe, indeed we know 
that all creation daily groans*
in the pains of childbirth... 
Then, be delivered in my world, Lord:
in my home and on my street, 
where I live and work and play...
Be delivered in the flesh and blood
of all I meet and know
and how we care for one another....

Be delivered in my self, Lord,
in my thoughts and words and deeds,
in my plans and hopes and dreams...
Be delivered in creation,
in its beauty, power and glory
all entrusted to our care...
Make us midwives of your coming, 
faithful doulas of your presence
born anew with every dawn...


 *Romans 8:26




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