
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 12/21

A little background...
1) Tonight is the winter solstice which marks the point at which the earth's tilt in relationship to the sun causes our days to lengthen and nights to shorten.
2) Christmas is just days away and in the liturgy there are special antiphons sung on the 7 days leading to Christmas.  Today's antiphon (and this Pause for Prayer) relate to the solstice: 
O Radiant Dawn,
splendor of eternal light, sun of justice:
come and shine on those who dwell in darkness 
and in the shadow of death.
Rise like the dawn, Lord:
let your sun's rays
thaw my frosted heart 
that you might melt and heal
what sadness my soul bears...

Disperse the gloomy clouds of
all my anxious fears
and sweep from my heart's depths
whatever keeps me from your peace...

Draw me out of darkness to the light,
the grace, your presence brings:
let me know the peace you offer,
the light in which I'm bathed...

In these cold and dark December days
and in all the seasons of my soul,
draw near, O Jesus, come
and shine your light upon my path...


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