
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 1/5

On Sunday we'll celebrate the Epiphany and the journey of the Magi in search of the new born Christ Child.  The Magi had no GPS to direct them to the Jesus - they followed the stars and made inquiries along the way.  No doubt, they sometimes felt lost, wondering if they'd ever find the One they were seeking.  Sometimes, you and I can feel that way, too...
I know the Christmas story, Lord.
I know how Mary and Joseph made their way to Bethlehem,
I know about your being born in a stable, laid in a manger,
with shepherds and angels attending your birth.
And I know about the Magi making their journey
to find you and offer their homage and gifts...
And yet, I'm still seeking you, 
looking to find you, to meet you and know you 
and hear your word and your truth and your wisdom,
to know what you ask and expect of me...

Give me a star to show the way, to light my path,
to shine with beauty that captures my heart,
the thoughts of my mind and the depths of my soul...
Give me a star to point the way
to your mercy, your pardon and peace...
Or just let me find in the heavens above,
among the millions of planets and stars,
a twinkle, a sparkle, a comet's tail
to help me trust I'm on the right path,
that you're leading me home
to you and your love... 

Don't let me lose my way, Lord,
help me follow your star...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Follow That Star  by Paul Baloche

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In the quiet of the night 
In the wide expanse of sky 
I am alone and asking questions, why 
What's this longing in my heart 
What's the reason for my life 
And this solitary light 
Is shining, calling 
Follow that star Follow that star 
Uncover the mystery of who You are 
I've searched for a lifetime 
I've come from afar 
And discovered my destiny 
Is to follow that star 
Like the light of early dawn 
I see the promise there beyond 
And the hope within begins to rise 
Love is calling to my heart 
Reaching deep into my soul 
And reveals to me the reason for living 
Follow that star Follow that star 
Uncover the mystery of who You are 
I've searched for a lifetime 
I've come from afar 
And discovered my destiny 
Is to follow that star 




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