
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 1/15

On this Martin Luther King Day, 
    let's pray in the very words of the man we honor...

Most gracious and all wise God, 
   before whose face the generations rise and fall;
        Thou in whom we live, and move, and have our being:
We thank thee 
    for all of thy good and gracious gifts, 
    for life and for health; 
    for food and for raiment; 
    for the beauties of nature and human nature. 
We come before thee 
    painfully aware of our inadequacies and shortcomings. 
We realize that we stand surrounded 
    with the mountains of love 
and we deliberately dwell 
    in the valley of hate. 
We stand amid the forces of truth 
    and deliberately lie. 
We are forever offered the high road 
    and yet we choose to travel the low road. 
For these sins O God forgive us. 
Break the spell of that which blinds our minds. 
Purify our hearts that we may see thee. 
O God in these turbulent days 
    when fear and doubt are mounting high 
give us broad visions, penetrating eyes, 
    and the power of endurance. 
Help us to work with renewed vigor 
    for a warless world, 
    for a better distribution of wealth 
    and for a brother/sisterhood that transcends race or color.
 In the name and spirit of Jesus we pray. 
Shed a Little Light by James Taylor
          performed by The Maccabeats and Naturally 7     
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Let us turn our thoughts todayTo Martin Luther KingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and women living on the EarthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhood
That we are bound togetherIn our desire to see the worldBecome a place in which our childrenCan grow free and strong
We are bound together by the taskThat stands before usAnd the road that lies aheadWe are bound, and we are bound
There's a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere's a hunger in the center of the chestThere's a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleepsThe heart will never rest
Shed a little light, oh Lord So that we can see, oh yeahJust a little light, oh Lord. Want to stand it on upStand it on up, oh Lord Want to walk it on down 
Shed a little light, oh Lord 
Can't get no light from a dollar bill(Don't see me no light from a dollar bill)Don't give me no light from a TV screen, oh no, noWhen I open my eyes, I want to drink my fillFrom the well on the hillI know you know what I mean
Shed a little light, oh Lord So that we can see, oh yeahJust a little light, oh Lord Want to stand it on upStand it on up, oh Lord Want to walk it on down
Shed a little light, oh Lord 
So we can see
And there's a feeling like the clenching of a fistThere is a hunger in the center of the chest, oh noThere is a passage through the darkness and the mistAnd though the body sleepsThe heart will never rest
Let us turn our thoughts todayTo Martin Luther KingAnd recognize that there are ties between usAll men and women living on the EarthTies of hope and loveSister and brotherhood




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