
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 1/16

Lord of all the seasons!
Let snow fall on our faces and like children 
    catching snow flakes on the tongue,
we'll taste the icy sweetness 
    of your gracious wintry gift...
Photo: Jeff Holmes

And snow angels!
Have we grown too old, too cold,
    for making angels in the snow?
Then send us snowy angels
    to make of us the children 
        you made us all to be...


As the snowfall chills our limbs, Lord,
    warm and thaw and melt our souls
        and draw us to your heart
where the fire of your love
    burns in flames of crackling beauty,
        bright and warm, this wintry night...

And don't let us forget, Lord,
    those for whom the snow's a burden,
the homeless without winter gear
    and those who give them shelter
and those who plow and clear our streets
    making safe our path 
        from here to there and home again...

And when all the snow's been shoveled
    and our pace picks up again,
        keep us mindful of these moments
when the blanket of your presence
    wrapped our souls and warmed our hearts
        and kept us safe and close to you...

Protect us on this snowy night,
    keep vigil while we sleep,
that awake, we keep the watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Tonight's song speaks to God who is with us
    through the darkness of the winter
        and the darkness of each night...

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