You've heard me grouse about the weather, Lord:
please be more patient with me
than I am with the seasons...
January, February?
Not my favorite months on the calendar,
a kind of down time
but then you stop me in my tracks
with wintry grace and beauty:
the filigree of bare limbs etched against a sky,
backlit by the moon, aglow with midnight glory...
Icy Moon: photo by Chuck Connell |
My friend's photo is a newfound psalm,
a silver-white epiphany,
inviting me to find you, Lord,
at a time, in a season,
in ways I'd not expected...
Your beauty takes me by surprise
when I'm vulnerable to any chance for hope
and the sweet promise of something more,
more than I now have...
Open me, Lord,
to all the ways you beckon me
to find you when and where
I least expect you:
in the dark of night,
in my grief and in my fear,
in my tears and my confusion,
in my hopelessness and in all,
that at the moment,
I might not understand...
Shine and shimmer like an icy moon 'til,
through bare, wintry branches,
I find you and I see
that you've found me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch for you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Andy Beck's choral piece is a kind of psalm
in gratitude for God's beauty in nature.
It seems perfect for this time of day
it pairs seamlessly with Chuck's photo above.
I hope it will beckon you to prayer...
Under Winter Moon by Andy Beck
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Winter, winter, winter, winter
Winter, winter, winter, winter
Snow is gently falling outside the window
Soft as downy feathers, velvety white
Dancing in the moonbeams, catching the light
Under winter moon
Under winter moon, through the winter chill,
All is frozen, silent still
Winter, winter, winter, winter
Winter, winter, winter, winter
Silhouetted branches cast lacy shadows
On a perfect canvas, blanketed white
Icicles like diamonds shine in the light
Under winter moon
Under winter moon, through the winter chill,
All is frozen, silent, still
Under winter, silver winter
Under winter moon
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