
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 2/9

Cold and chill, bless the Lord,
    frost and chill, bless the Lord,
        hoarfrost and snow, bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt him above all forever...
    (Daniel 3:67)

As you well know, Lord:
    I have a hard time finding blessings
    in the cold, the frost and the snow!
I just don't like the cold,
and the snow gets in my way:
    it slows me down, disrupts my life
    and narrows every path...
But this past weekend, Lord, 
I found a pure and awesome beauty 
waiting in the snow:
    I saw it out my window 
    and right by my back door 
    and in the groves of trees behind 
    and all around the church...   

And then I found this photo, Lord,
    posted by a friend... 
        (click on the image for a larger version)
    Photo © Helen Maguire Newman

Your winter mystery, Lord:
    a filigree of beauty, 
    frosted in a holy haze
    inviting me to reach, to touch, 
    to shiver in your presence 
    'til your Spirit's warm embrace
    melts my heart in mercy's arms...
Your winter glory, Lord:
    etched in lacy, barren limbs,
    veiled above the river's mirror,
    muted in the morning mist,
    stilled in silver silence:
        a January sanctuary
        hushed and filled with grace...
Help me find your hidden blessings
    in this frigid time of year
when warmth is  all I long for
    what I pray for and desire...
Help me find your blessings, Lord,
    in whatever weather comes,
in the blasts that chill my nights and days,
    in seasons long and cold...

Help me bless you, Lord, and praise you
    in each season of the year,
help me find your holy presence
    in the seasons of my soul...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and guard me while I sleep
that awake, I keep the watch with you
    and sleep safe in your peace...

Tonight's music is instrumental, background for musing
on the ways, all the ways, God's beauty is found in nature.
If there's snow on the ground where you live, you might
look out the window while listening - and if you live in a
warmer clime, use the time to reflect on the photo above  
(that's the Assabet River in Concord, MA or the one  just
below the video... 

Winter Solitude by Ekaterina

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Photo © HelenMaguireNewman




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