
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 1/17

I know so many folks who are losing hope, Lord,
finding it more and more difficult to trust
    that all is not lost,
    that things will turn around, 
    that better days are coming,
    that help is on the way,
    that you are at their side,
    that all is in your hands...

So for these friends, Lord, I'm posting this prayer.
I hope they'll make it their own 
    and find in you 
        the hope they need tonight...

When I'm lost in the dark of night, Lord,
    give me hope of a new day's dawn...

Even in the midst of my distress,
    give me hope for serenity... 

When I feel that I'm locked in my past,
    give me hope for all that's ahead...
When sadness overwhelms me,
    give me hope for the peace you promise...

When I'm lost in my confusion,
    give me hope for understanding...

When I'm feeling all alone,
    give me hope for real companionship...

When I'm lost in doubt and fear,
    give me hope and trust in faith...

When I fear there's no one there,
    give me hope of someone's helping hand...

When I'm at my weakest point,
    give me hope for strength and courage...
When war and terror threaten
    give me  hope for peace around the world... 

When it seems there's no way out,
    give me grace to hope for hope...

And when I'm feeling almost hopeless 
    help me find my hope in you, Lord,
         the source of all my hope...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me as I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

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