
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 1/19

    Photo by Miguel Nieves

My photographer friend sees the world
    with eyes I only wish I had.
He spies what my eyes miss:
    patterns, forms and fine designs,
        mysterious, playful beauty 
    sketched and traced in lines divine     
        -  right there - 
    if i could only see...

If I could only see, Lord,
    if I could only see...

If I could see the beauty hidden
    right before my eyes...

If I could see the artistry in
    how things fit together...

If I could see the symmetry 
    in what's askew, off-center...
If I could see your grand design 
    in mole hills and in mountains...

If I could see how things align
    while resting in no order...

If I could see how colors blend
    and bleed into a rainbow...
If I could see the beauty in the
    providentially accidental
        elements of life...
If I could see your glory, Lord,
    shaping and suffusing
        all the world around me...

If I could see the filigree, 
    the trace of grace
        you lace throughout creation...
Will you open up my eyes then, Lord?
    my soul's imagination?
        my vision of your beauty?

If I could only see, Lord,
    oh, if I could only see...
    Photo by Miguel Nieves















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