
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 2/1

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A great resource for daily prayer is Bob Hostetler's One Prayer A Day.  A reflection he titles Dormancy, will serve us well as we transition from January to February...

Lord, I feel like I'm in a season of dormancy. 

But I believe that I am here
in your will,
with your knowledge
and blessing.
I am here because you know best.
You know what is good for me,
and you make all things beautiful
in your time. 

So thank you for this.
Thank you for the awareness
that I am not alone,
and you have not forgotten me...
that you are working in me
as truly and faithfully
as in those seasons when shoots spring up
and blossoms appear
and fruit is all around. 

And when you say the word,
when you decide the time is right,
I will be glad for a new season
of newness and change and growth and fruit,
in Jesus' name, Amen



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Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!