
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 2/10

I'm grateful for your patience, Lord...

I'm grateful for your patience
when I waste the time you give me
    for living in the moment
    mindful of your presence,
    grateful for your love...

I'm grateful for your patience
when I'm all wrapped up in me,
    too much in a hurry,
    and so easily distracted
    that I miss your grace and gifts...

I'm grateful for your patience
when I serve my own desires,
    when in haste I make poor choices and,
    pursuing my own foolishness,
    I make no time for you...
I'm grateful for your patience
with my impatience, Lord:
    with my restlessness and hastiness,
    my edginess and lack of trust,
    my rash, annoyed intolerance...

Persist in your sweet patience, Lord,
and give me as I need
    yet one more chance to do what's right,
    to gladly serve my neighbor's needs
    and follow where you lead me...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song is not a lullaby and it may be a little up beat for
Night Prayer - but the lyrics are strong and compelling...

Patient  by Apollo LTD

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So this is broken I guess 
And if I'm being honest I'm over my head 
The hurt rages inside wave after wave like the ocean tide 
I’ve done all I can It’s out of my hands 
It’s easy to forget 
It’s part of Your plan, there’s a light up ahead 
But right now I’m restless, I need You because I’m anxious 
I’ve done all I can It’s all in Your hands 
When my world keeps on shaking, and I'm breaking 
When the skies won't stop raining, and I'm fading 
Help me to be okay with what I can't change 
And remind me there's meaning in the waiting 
Help me to be patient 
Don’t know how long I can last 
I need some reassurance that this too shall pass 
I throw my hands up in the air, don’t wanna be a slave to fear 
I know I gotta let it go 
When my world keeps on shaking, and I'm breaking 
When the skies won't stop raining, and I'm fading 
Help me to be okay with what I can't change 
And remind me there's meaning in the waiting 
Help me to be patient 
Through every valley, there's a mountain on the other sideIt's at the bottom where you're teaching me how to climbAnd though my heart may breakI know it's not in vainI need only to be still
When my world keeps on shaking, and I'm breakingWhen the skies won't stop raining, and I'm fadingHelp me to be okay with what I can't changeAnd remind me there's meaning in the waitingHelp me to be patient




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