
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 2/4

On Sundays, Night Prayer will relate to some element from the day's liturgy.  This evening we'll turn to the story of Job in the first scripture at this morning's mass... 
Need a refresher on Job?  This video summarizes his story in an interesting, contemporary and musical way!  (And if you haven't listened to my homily it, too, might be helpful in understanding Job's story.)  
Song of Job by Seatrain

Job wasn't the first or the last troubled person, Lord!
I know so many people who struggle,
   who struggle to understand their struggles
      and their pain, their doubt and their fears...
- Folks anxious about keeping or losing a job 
    or finding a second job just to make ends meet...

- Folks worried about their own health 
    and family and friends who are sick and dying...

- Folks anxious about their past, 
    their mistakes and disappointments,
   and others worried about the future
    and what tomorrow may bring...

- Some folks worrying about small things 
    and others worried about things that don't matter... 

- Folks anticipating bad news - that in fact may never arrive; 
    and others worried about good news - they fear may never come...

- Folks with worries they've carried for years 
    and others burdened by this morning's phone call...

- Folks worried about family and loved ones,      
    almost too many to count, Lord, 
       with problems too many to tend and keep track of...
- And folks, just like Job, who wonder and ask
    why bad  things happen to the good and the just...
You didn't answer Job's questions, Lord,
    though he remained faithful through thick and thin...
You didn't keep him from suffering
    though you knew what a fine man he was...
You didn't promise a rose without thorns:
    you called him to live by your wisdom and word...
Teach us, Lord, to trust that you're with us 
    when we fear you've forgotten we're here...

Teach us to hope in you and your help
    when we don't know the way or what to do next...

Help us let go what we needn't hold on to 
    and help us hold fast to what keeps us with you...

Remind us - whatever our problem may be -
    that this too shall pass and all shall be well 
        and all manner of things shall be well...

Touch with your grace and your gentle healing 
    our worries and burdens, our problems and cares...

Give us patience, Lord, as your plan unfolds, 
    as we pray for answers,  as we wait for good news, 
        as we hope for change, as we look for that help 
            only you can give...

Help us offer to carry our neighbor's load 
    and freely accept our neighbor's offer 
        to help us carry our own...

Be with us, Lord, when we are in trouble 
    - be with us, Lord, we pray...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's music: 
Job's declaration of faith comes not at the end of Job's story, Chapter 42 where God restores his prosperity. Rather, Job speaks these words in Chapter 19, in the midst of his pain and struggle: he will not deny his God, not even in the worst of circumstances, but rather cries out, "I know my Redeemer lives and with my own eyes I shall see God my Savior!"

Two songs, then, for this evening's prayer...
First, Job's lament, balanced with his great declaration of unbending faith in God.
Second, that same statement of faith, standing on its own.
If a video and widget don't appear below, click here!

Job's Lament by Don Francisco
I Know My Redeemer Lives by Scott Soper 

I know that my Redeemer livesThe One who calls me homeI long to see God face to faceTo see with my own eyes
I know that my Redeemer lives, that I shall rise againI know that my Redeemer lives, and I shall rise again
I know that I shall one day seeThe goodness of the LordWhen God will wipe away our tearsAnd death will be no more
The last day I shall rise againShall be remade like GodMy home shall be by God's own sideThe dying, rising Lord





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