
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 2/6

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Why do I so quickly
    see the problem,
    remember the hurt,
    rehearse the pain,
    overthink my problems,
    feed my fears,
    expect the worst,
    dwell on the downside,
    and run from help?
Why am I so slow, Lord,
    to see your hand,
    accept your grace, 
    believe in your mercy,
    ponder your truth,
    recall past joys,
    rejoice in your healing,
    lean on your strength,
    and trust in your loving care?

Lift me up, Lord,
   out of all that holds me and keeps me down...

Open my eyes to see you, O Lord,
   to gaze on the glory and light of your face...

 Lift up my hands in prayer, O Lord.
   and open my arms to my neighbors' needs...

Open my ears and my heart, O Lord,
  to the voice of your Spirit within me...

Touch my mind and my heart, O Lord,
   where I'm most in need of  your healing...

Open my mouth to sing your praise
   in thanksgiving, O Lord, for your mercy....

 Remind me, each day, of my blessings, O Lord,
    and remind today: you're right by my side...

Be with me, O Lord, and help me to trust
    in your presence, your promise, your peace...  
Help me see the good, the grace and the gift
    you offer me night and day...
Keep my eyes on the prize 
    and on all that can be
when I place all my hope in you, O Lord,
    when I place all my hope in you...




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