
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 3/6

You've laced the last few days, Lord,
    with hints and signs of Spring
and I'm grateful for two gifts:
    your whispers of a season's change 
    and grace to trust its coming
        sets us free from winter's grip...
    Would that we could do the same
        and find sweet signs of hope 
            when sadness has us in its hold...

Longer days and shorter nights, Lord,
    with temps approaching 60;
softer ground beneath my step
    and here and there - a bud, a shoot,
all promise of what's coming,
    sign's of winter's taking leave...

    Would that we might find the same,
        your Spring's first healing touch,
            upon our weathered, wintered souls...
Help us find within our hearts, Lord,
    hints and promises of Spring;
open wide our eyes to all the ways
    you stir within creation
and come with blessing, hope and joy
    in each and every soul...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

What draws me most to this song 
is the one line in the chorus:
"Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime..."
Bring Back the Springtime by John Purifoy

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When in the spring, the flowers are blooming bright and fair,
After the grey of winter’s gone.
Once again the lark begins his tuning,
Back in the meadows of my heart.
Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime.
Take away the cold and dark of sin.
And, Oh refill me now, sweet Holy Spirit:
May I warm and tender be again.

Lord, make me like that stream that flows so cool and clear
Down from the mountains high above;
I will tell the world the wondrous story
Of the precious stream filled with your Love.

Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime.
Take away the cold and dark of sin.
And, Oh refill me now, sweet Holy Spirit:
May I warm and tender be again.




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