
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 4/4

Tonight's prayer was inspired by today's snowfall
    and some blooms I cut from a beautiful Easter basket,
        a gift from a friend... 

When snow in April
    chills my hope of spring,
when cloudy skies
    rain down on my parade,
when summer's heat
    drains dry the running stream
and when falling leaves 
    remind me: all things pass...
    On my kitchen windowsill...

Then send me jonquils in the snow,
    give me sunlight at the dawn,
        refresh my soul with flowing grace
and give me hope in every season
    that you, Lord, are my joy,
        my way, my truth, my life...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's prayer and image are simple,
    as is this simple instrumental piece:
        may it lead us all to prayer...

Flowers in Snow  by Sophie Hutchings

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