
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 4/7

Thomas was a doubter, Lord,
    and sometimes - I'm a doubter, too...

Sometimes I doubt 
 your love for me,
 your care for me,     
 your word to me,
   the mercy and the peace you offer me... 
And often, Lord, 
 I doubt myself...
Oh, others may believe in me
 - but still, I second-guess my self…
Doubt can back me into corners
 and leave me short on hope…
Doubt can blind me
 to the reality staring me right in my face…
In an instant, 
 doubt can render void 
  whatever wisdom may be mine...
Doubt can rob me of the truth 
  truth I know,
    truth I depend upon and cherish...
Oh yes, doubt can be a devil
 when it’s an angel's grace I need... 
Thomas was a doubter, Lord,
  'til he saw your suffering's wounds...
Thomas was a doubter, Lord, 
 before believing in your glory
  risen, present, waiting for his touch...
It’s often my own wounds, Lord,
 that keep me from believing, from trusting 
 that you're always there, by my side,
 that even in my deepest doubts
   your healing peace awaits me...
Don't let my wounds,
 my suffering, pain and loss,
keep me from discovering, Lord,
 discerning and delighting in
  your pardon and your peace...

Help me look with Thomas, Lord,
  upon the wounds you bore for me
to remind me you're no stranger
  to what suffering may be mine...

Remind me that my own pain
  marks just the very place
where you, Lord, come to meet me,
  to mend my soul and heal my doubt,
    to lead me to your peace...

Like Thomas, I'm a doubter, Lord,
 help me, like him then, come to faith
   and cry, "My Lord and God!"






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