
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 4/2

 Psalm 46 is a favorite of mine, especially the verse:
          Be still and know that I am God... 

But I learned just recently that while "be still" is acceptable, a better translation of the Hebrew  here would be "let go" or "release."  How that might change the sense of the verse... Rather than recommending passivity, the scripture instructs us to actively let go that we might know God's the saving power in our lives.

If the familiar translation (be still) is also a favorite of yours, please don't let his post dissuade you from that prayerful place!  On the other hand, you might want to try praying this verse in its other sense, expanding, not replacing, your preferred wording...

I cling to so many things, Lord:
    to worries, fears and relationships,
    to wealth, pride and possessions,
    to foolish dreams and resentments,
    to sadness, loss and anxiety...
Help me let go what I don't need, Lord:
    help me let go what I truly don't want;
    help me let go what's not healthy for me;
    help me let go what I've carried too long;
    help me let go what distracts and misleads me;
    help me let go what holds me back,
        keeps me down, ties me up
            and turns me from your path...

Help me name what holds me fast, Lord,
   and release me and free me to know in my soul
        that you are my Lord and my God...
Help me trust in your wisdom
    when I'm in a fog... 
to trust in your strength
    when I'm weak and tired...
to see past my problems
    when that's all I see...
to trust in your gentle, abiding love
    when I feel all alone and abandoned...
to trust and to hope that all shall be well,
    when nothing seems well at all...

Release me from all that holds me, Lord,
    and free me to know your saving power,
        your mercy, your love and your peace... 
Help me be still - enough to let go -
    and to know you, my Lord and my God...
Help Me Let Go by Tasha Layton 
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Think I’m gonna cave underneath the pressure 
Tell me there's a way to make these burdens light 
To make it out alive 
I can’t hold this world with my two hands 
I can't hold this world but God you can
Help me let go Help me let go
 It always works out better 
When I give up and give you control 
The pieces fall together 
Help me let go 
Help me let go 
When I’m unafraid to trust you and surrender 
Chase the fear away with only perfect love 
A love that's strong enough 
I can’t hold this world with my two hands 
I can't hold this world but God you can
Help me let go Help me let go
 It always works out better 
When I give up and give you control 
The pieces fall together 
Help me let go 
Help me let go
When I fall I fall into you 
When I let go you catch me 
You always do 
When I fall I fall into you 
When I let go you catch me 
You always do You always do 
Help me let go Help me let go
It always works out better 
When I give up and give you control 
The pieces fall together
Help me let go
Help me let go 
It always works out better 
The pieces fall together 
Help me let go 
Help me let go 




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