On Sundays, Night Prayer will take its inspiration from an element of that day's mass. Tonight we recall this morning's gospel and Michael Joncas' musical setting of that passage. I suggest you follow the link to the gospel and/or listen to the song before praying the text.
There Is No Greater Love
I love this song, Lord:
its melody line weaving its way into my heart,
braiding my prayer with your word, your command,
to love my neighbor as you've loved me...
Not so much a demand as a tender summons,
inviting me to share in the joy
born of offering one's life for others
as you offered yours for me....
A song that leads to the foot of your Cross,
drawing me close to that ultimate love
deeper and greater than any I've known,
a love you ask me to live and to share...
There's no greater love, Lord, no greater love
than to lay down my life for a friend;
there's no greater love, Lord, no greater love
than the love you have for me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
There Is No Greater Love by Michael Joncas
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There is no
greater love, says the Lord,
than to lay
down your life for a friend.
There is no
greater love, no greater love,
than to lay
down your life for a friend.
As the Father has loved me, so
I have loved you. Live on in my love.
You will live in my love if you
keep my commands,
even as I have kept my
All this I tell you that my joy
may be yours and your joy may be complete.
Love one another as I have
loved you: This is my command.
You are my friends if you keep
my commands
no longer slaves but friends to
All I heard from my Father, I
have made known to you:
Now I call you friends.
It was not you who chose me, it
was I who chose you,
chose you to go forth and bear
Your fruit must endure, so you
will receive
all you ask the Father in my
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