We are the clay, Lord, and you the potter:
we are all the work of your hands...
we are all the work of your hands...
Like clay in your moist hands, Lord,
shape me, form me, make of me
the person you desire me to be...
shape me, form me, make of me
the person you desire me to be...
Turn me on the wheel of all my joys and sorrows,
mold me in your image, Lord,
and bake me in your kiln,
in the furnace of your heart ,
in the fire of your Spirit
and let your warm fingerprints
mark me as your own....
Let me be as clay in your gentle hands
for you know better than I, Lord,
the person you desire me to be...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Change My Heart: You are the Potter by Eddie Espinosa
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