
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 6/22

Tonight, Lord, I come with a simple prayer,
    grateful for the day just past
    and hopeful for the week ahead...

Bless and keep all those I love, Lord:
    stay by their side and guide their steps,
        guard and protect them from danger and harm;
    fill their hearts with your mercy and peace
        let them walk in your light, by day and by night;

And I pray you'll bless and keep me, too:
    lead me along the path of your truth;
    school my heart in the ways of  your wisdom;
    strengthen my will to do what you ask
    and fill my heart with your mercy and peace...

Bless the whole world, Lord - all of your people:
    the poor and the homeless, the sick and the dying;
    the abused and forgotten, the hungry and thirsty;
    those who suffer unjust persecution 
    and those whose lives have been scarred by war...
Bless all your children, Lord, teach us your ways.
    to reach out and care for all those in need
and take up the work of justice for all
    as the path to the peace you call us to make 

Bless us all and protect us, Lord, 
    hold us safe in the palm of your hand
that awake, we might keep the watch with you
    and asleep, find rest in your peace...


Benediction by Alicia A. Lewis

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May the Lord bless you and keep you,
may he make his face shine upon you
and be gracious unto you

Walking in the light, in the day or night,
Christ the Lord is always near you,
every day, all the way, watching over you.

May the Lord bless you!




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