I'll be posting these intercessions again on Fathers Day (6/16) but I'm offering them here for those who might want to forward or print them to share with their family, friends and faith communities. If you pass them on, I'd be grateful if you'd include a link back here to this page: ConcordPastor.blogspot.com Thank you!
Let us pray…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord...
For fathers who see the sun rise and set
in the eyes and smiles of their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers who see the sun rise and set
in the eyes and smiles of their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
with their children
and for those who aren't,
and for those who aren't,
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
who are trying to start again,
us pray to the Lord…
For fathers whose hearts break
over the troubles their children face,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers of children
who won't forgive their dad,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers
who won't forgive their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers who will be forgotten
or ignored on this Fathers Day,
For fathers whose hearts break
over the troubles their children face,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers of children
who won't forgive their dad,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers
who won't forgive their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers who will be forgotten
or ignored on this Fathers Day,
us pray to the Lord..
us pray to the Lord…
or two fathers or no father,
let us pray to the Lord...
For unemployed fathers,
desperately looking for work,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers whose sacrifices
are unknown to their families,
let us pray to the Lord...
For unemployed fathers,
desperately looking for work,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers whose sacrifices
are unknown to their families,
let us pray to the Lord...
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord…
For divorced and separated fathers
who miss their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers estranged from or barred
from seeing their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers away in the military
and for all those who serve
who miss their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers estranged from or barred
from seeing their children,
let us pray to the Lord...
For fathers away in the military
and for all those who serve
for a son or daughter who are in prison,
let us pray to the Lord...
let us pray to the Lord...
who've been abused or gone missing,
us pray to the Lord…
us pray to the Lord...
to many young people,
let us pray to the Lord...
let us pray to the Lord...
in need of our prayers today,
let us pray to the Lord...
let us pray to the Lord...
God our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless our fathers, living and deceased.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their families,
may love and honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless our father.
Let the example of his faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, his family,
may honor him always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen. - See more at:
our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless our father.
Let the example of his faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, his family,
may honor him always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen. - See more at:
our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless our father.
Let the example of his faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, his family,
may honor him always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen. - See more at:
And a little fatherly advice for Fathers Day...
• Dads, you can't too often tell your children
how much you love them…
• You can't too many times hug your children tight
and kiss them good night…
and kiss them good night…
• There's no limit on how many times
you can take each of your children, individually,
for a walk, a talk, a ride or an ice cream
• Call your children by name
- and have special names for each of them…
• Be a father whose thoughts, words and deeds
set a standard for his children
who may one day be parents themselves...
• If you have a boy, be sure he hears
you call him son
in a way that lets him know
in a way that lets him know
how happy and proud you are to be his dad…
• Every son, without even knowing it,
longs for his father's blessing
on who he is and on who he will become:
on who he is and on who he will become:
find a thousand ways to give your son
your blessing…
• A daughter learns how a man loves a woman
through how her dad loves his wife and his girls:
be the best of loving teachers
for the
women in your life...
• Make sure your children know
that you're a man of faith
who believes in the God
whom Jesus calls his Father…
• Pray with your children at home:
at table, at night before bed,
when times are hard and when times are great…
• Pray with your children at church every Sunday
so they'll know the place God holds in your heart…
• A father's relationship with his children
is a great and untapped natural and spiritual
conserve and generously share
the precious resource you are…
• Too many dads come to the end of their lives
wishing they'd done "more of this and less of that"
with and for their children:
with and for their children:
take stock of all this now,
before the time's too short…
• You can be sure that your children,
in their heart of hearts,
you to be the dad that you,
in your heart of hearts,
want to be for them.
want to be for them.
So never hesitate, even for a moment,
be the father of your heart's desire...
Happy Father's Day!
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