
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 8/9

The only thing I don't like about August is its proximity September - and summer's end. Thus, August gets me thinking about the passing of time and...

They say "time marches on," Lord,
- and it certainly does!

The passage of time is inexorable: 
    time tires us
        - but nothing tires time...

The march of time is unrelenting, unyielding, 
unstoppable and implacable so, why, Lord, 
why am I taken by surprise
    that it's the eighth month of the year,
    that summer's winding down
    and fall's around the corner...

Every year and month, Lord,
    every week and day, 
    every hour and moment,
    every minute and second 
brings me that much closer 
    to the timeless, 
    to my forever,
    to eternity,
    to you...

The grace in this is simple, Lord:
    you are in every moment,
        in every hour, week and day,
    you've walked with me 
        through all my years
    and never, for a nanosecond,
        have you ever left my side...

Time marches on, Lord
    and while sometimes I keep up 
        I sometimes fall behind
 but time still keeps its pace,
    and eternal tide, 
sweeping me from my life's shores 
    into the endless ocean 
        of the mystery of your love, 
    your eternal love for each of us, 
        the mystery of your faithful
            and eternal love for us...
All time is yours
    and in your kindness, Lord,       
        we live on borrowed time:
      'til you call us to the timeless,
        to that peace that has no end,
       'til you call us home to be with you
            - all in your good time...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


One of my favorite songs...

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