
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 8/5

This evening, Lord, we hold in prayer
   all the folks who gather each night
      by the light of this virtual candle...
We don't know how many we are,
    we don't know each other's names,
        we don't know where we all come from
but of this we're sure:
   we're here, together,  
      in a holy communion of prayer,
    come to share 
        what troubles our souls
            and keeps us awake at night;
    what lifts our spirits
        and gives us hope for tomorrow...

We come seeking words to bring to speech
    what weighs on our minds and hearts,
        what troubles, confuses and pains us...

We come with hearts so deeply grateful 
    for others who understand our needs,
    for others who understand our plight,
    for others who share with us in prayer
        one faith, one hope in you, our God...
Our gathering builds a chapel, Lord,
   to house our praise and our prayer;
our laptops, tablets, desktops and phones  
    are the pews where we gather in silence
'til it's time to click play, to listen and sing
    to offer our evening hymn...

For this time, this place and this people, Lord,
    we give you our thanks and our praise,
you who wait without fail at each day's end
    to welcome us into your presence,
           to hear and answer our prayer...

Protect us, Lord, while we're gathered in prayer
   and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
   and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's lyrics are based on an 1859 hymn while the tune is a new com-position.  There's an odd phrase in the lyrics, "Be our stay..."   A "stay" is a rope or a wire on a sailing vessel, running fore-and-aft from mast to deck, stabilizing and supporting the weight of the mast.   
Hear Our Prayer by Greg Cooper and Andy Judd

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