
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/6

It's your feast, Lord: the Transfiguration,
your being transfigured in shining glory
on the mountaintop
where you'd gone to spend time 
with your friends in prayer...  

Well, right now, Lord,
we're doing much the same:
your friends are here, in prayer with you
and you are here, in prayer with us...

And though we're grateful for your transfiguration,
we'd pray you might change us, Lord,
transfigure us with even just a few rays
of your glory, light and beauty...

Transfigure us, Lord - change us:
suffuse us with the Light you are,
the light no darkness can extinguish
the Light that is your word, your grace,
your mercy, truth and peace...

Let the brilliance of the Light you are
shine on us, shine in us and shine through us!

And in the Light you are
may we be known as your beloved,
your redeemed, your espoused,
your people who with you
scale the mountain of your glory
to be healed by your great love...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Transfigure Us by Bob Hurd
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Transfigure us, O Lord
Transfigure us, O Lord.
Break the chains that bind us;
Speak your healing word, and
Where you lead we’ll follow.
Transfigure Us, O Lord

Down from heights of glory, Into the depths below.
The love of God self emptied, The love of God to show.
You light the path before us, The way that we must go.

Light for those in darkness, The hungry have their fill,
Glad tidings for the humble, The healing of all ills;
In these we glimpse your glory, God’s promises fulfilled

To the holy city, Jerusalem, you go;
Your face set toward the ending
The cross to be your throne
Shall we journey with you and share your paschal road?




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