
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 8/11

The scripture is from the second reading at today's Mass...


Why do we,
    who pray for the Spirit's wisdom,
        fail to go where the Spirit leads?
Why do we,
    who believe that God is love,
          find it so hard to simply be kind?
Why do we,
    who seek and value the truth,
        close our eyes and live the lie?

Why do we,
    who seek the peace of Jesus,
        respond so quickly in anger and rage?

Why do we,
    who know the pain of harsh words,
        speak with a bitter and sharpened tongue?

Why do we,
    who long  to be understood,
        so quickly judge and accuse the other?
Why are we,     
    who count on God's mercy,
        so slow to forgive the one who wrongs us?

Why, O Lord - why?

You were sent to heal the contrite heart,
        Lord, have mercy!
You came to reconcile us 
    to one another and to the Father,
        Christ, have mercy!
You heal the wounds of sin and division,
        Lord, have mercy!




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