
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 9/1

On Sundays, Night Prayer will take its lead from an element of the day's liturgy.  This evening we return to the second scripture read at today's mass and it's succinct wisdom:
"Be doers of the word and not hearers only..."
The truth of your Word, Lord,  is a gift to us all:
    by your Word we're forgiven,
       we’re saved and we’re redeemed!
Healed by your Word, 
    you charge each of us this day
        with living and sharing the Word we have received...

Keep us faithful, O Lord, 
    to your counsel and sweet wisdom 
        revealed in your Word, your Spirit's largesse...
Give us courage, grace and strength, Lord,
    to live by your Word,
       by your will and by your law...

Help us  always "do your Word"
   by "walking our talk,"
       living out in deeds the words we freely speak...
Make us heralds of your Word, Lord,
    ever hearing, sharing, living
        what you plant within our hearts...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Two songs tonight! 
Give each a listen, they're lively 
and the refrains will stay with you!
Doer of the Word by Glad
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I looked in the mirror 
of Your Word
Knowing I'd see
A clear reflection
Of what You saw in me
You gently showed me
The state my heart was in
And how the world
Had deceived me again

Went away determined
To take the narrow path
But in a moment
My foolish ways were back
It's elementary
There must be something wrong
And I'm starting to realize
This can't go on

Wanna be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of Your Word
Never еver forget the truth
That I havе learned
Be a d-d-d-doer, doer of
Doer of Your Word

I wanna be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of Your Word
Keep on o-b-b-beying
Everything I heard
Be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of, doer of
Doer of Your Word
It's not the first time it's happened
Won't be the last
I think I'm finally mature
But just a little too fast
I close my Bible
Convinced I'm really changed
But I'm not any different 'til I obey

I wanna be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of Your Word
Never ever forget the truth
That I have learned
Be a d-d-d-doer, doer of
Doer of Your Word
I wanna be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of Your Word
Everything I heard
Be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of, doer of
Doer of Your Word

I wanna be a doer of Your Word

What does it mean
To call You Lord of my life
If I ignore the things You say?
Help me remember
That my greatest delight
Is following Your commands
And give me strength to stand
And be a doer of Your Word
Doer of Your Word
I wanna be a doer of Your Word
Everything I heard
Be a d-d-d-doer
Doer of, doer of
Doer of Your Word

Your Walk Talks by the Mark Trammell Quartet

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Walk talks, walk talks... Walk talks, walk talks...  
There's an account we read about the Pharisees 
in the Bible days way back when  
How they criticized the Lord Jesus Christ 
for eating with sinful men  
Jesus turned to say love is the only way  
so let your actions speak louder than your words  
Though the years have passed this truth will last  
 a lesson that we all could learn. 
You know, your walk talks, and your talk talks  
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks  
Your behavior toward your neighbor 
Is really how you feel about the Savior  
When you exemplify and shine the Light of Christ  
You know the number in the kingdom will be multiplied.  
Yes, your walk talks, and your talk talks, 
But your walk talks louder than your talk talks. 
Walk talks, walk talks...   Walk talks, walk talks...
What did you do today to give your love away  
To a lost and hurting soul?  
Did you lend a hand to a fellow man  
And help him on down the road?  
When you illuminate you takes the dark away  
So let your little light shine  
When we follow through with what we say and do  
The Father will be glorified.  
Do those things that Christ would do: be loving, kind and caring  
Preach the gospel to all men use words when necessary




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