
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 9/12


I don't know, Lord
    (nor can I imagine)
how many are the times you've forgiven me:
    there've been so many times,
        so many more than I can count...
You forgive the big wrongs I've done
    and the small things, too;
and you forgive me all the times 
    (way too many times!)
when I've actually believed
    I've done nothing for you to forgive...

Your mercy and your pardon, Lord,
    are deeper, broader and greater
        than all my sins combined;
you're always ready, poised and waiting
    to bathe me in your mercy
        and cleanse me of my faults...

Sometimes, Lord, 
    my weaknesses conspire
        and catch me in a trap of my own making,
    leading me away from you
        down foolish, dead-end roads
but even there you meet me
    waiting to direct me
‘til I find my way again,
    ‘til I find your way
        and claim it for my own...

Before I ever lose my way
    you've made a map to guide me, Lord,
        to you and to your path...

And long before I fail, Lord,
    you've stored up mercy - just for me -
        to pardon all my sins...

In an instant, 
    at my prayer's request,
you overlook my folly and give me grace 
        to change my mind,
        to change my heart,
        to change my ways,
to change me from the inside out
    and become again the person
        you created me to be...
Show me your mercy, Lord:
    show me when and where 
        and just how much I need it;
let me never miss your grace
    or take it all for granted...
Open my heart to yours, Lord,
    and to all the ways your mercy
        gives my life new faith, new hope...

And, Lord, 
    help me show my neighbor
        the mercy you've shown me...





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