
Monday Morning Offering: 10/7

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza








Good morning, good God!

I offer you the joys of all who will today 
find help, a friend, a cure,
some work, some rest and time to share a laugh...

I offer you the heavy hearts
of those bent low by sorrow, grief, loss and tears:
the hearts of all who weep today and call upon your name...

I offer you the peace of those who will this day 
find healing, hope and trust in you,
a deeper faith and mercy and forgiveness
I offer you the wounded hearts
of those who've lost so much, too much, 
in love, in war, in life,
and in the hidden disappointments
of promises not kept...
I offer you the faith of hearts who reach for you 
when strength for reaching's all but gone
and longing for your touch is all there is...
I offer you the hope of hearts who seek your light 
when shadows veil their weary souls
and all looks dark ahead...

I offer you the trust of hearts who in their fear 
still take your hand and follow, always faithfully, 
wherever you may lead...
I offer you the hearts of all 
who join me in this prayer, Lord:
    receive and bless and heal with grace
    our wounded, joyful, sorrowed souls 
    and all our deeds this day...





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