
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 10/18

Just returned from five nights in the hospital, Lord,
a repeat of the same just a month ago,
and both times, on coming home, it struck me
how much the leaves had turned and changed 
while I was shut indoors...
So many things slowed and stopped in my life
but the universe
    took no notice,
    not a moment's pause,
    not a millisecond's hesitation
on its intergalactic journey
to time's sweet, last tick-tock...

But you, Lord, you were there:
    you never left my side,
    you kept a faithful vigil,
    you took my hand in yours,
    you held my heart within your own
as hours and days so slowly passed
tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...
And on my way to Wayland
you surprised me with your beauty:
    your ever-living, ever-changing, 
    ever-present artistry,
    your omnipresent glory
    in the dying and the rising
of the world that's all around me
in my mind and heart and soul...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's tune was composed by Stacy Plays Hymns
for unattributed lyrics she found on the internet in
Hymns of the Morningland, a 1911 hymnal.

Waving in the Autumn Breeze by Stacy Plays Hymns 
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