
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 10/17

It always helps me to remember, Lord, that:
    no matter how scattered my thoughts,
    whatever the feelings that flood my heart,
    in spite of how garbled the words I speak,
    even when I can't find word to say,
    regardless of whether I pray or not 
even then, Lord...

    you read my confusion with wisdom and ease,
    you know what I mean when I don't know myself,
    you're at peace with the feelings I fear and avoid,
    you understand clearly my mumbling and babbling,
    you know my heart's plea before I can name it,
    you hear my prayer when it has no words...

It always helps me to remember this, Lord,
    - so please help me not forget it!
Protect me, Lord, while I toss and turn
    and watch over me when I fall asleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song for prayer is a simple chant from the
Taize community in France.  You might sing along 
or just let it be the music serve as background for your
remembering how God knows your every prayer, even
before you speak it, no matter how clumsily you phrase 
it - and even if you don't say it!

O, Lord Hear My Prayer (Taize
    by Margaret Rizza and Saint Thomas Music Group
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O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer;
    when I call answer me.
O Lord, hear my prayer,
O Lord, hear my prayer;
    come and listen to me.

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