
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 10/4

    Saint Francis by Daniel Bonnell
Today is the feast of Saint Francis and in this post I offer my gloss on a prayer usually attributed to him.  Daniel Bonnell's art (used with permission) gives us Francis with a dove of peace and a visual quote from Francis' Canticle of the Sun praising Brother Sun and Sister Moon.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...

Where there is hatred, let me sow love...
When politics tempt me to demonize the other side,
when my envy delights in workplace intrigue,
when my thoughts walk the edge of anger's path,

when I'm tempted to endorse a violent solution,
when I fail to love as I want to be loved:
    teach me to sow the seeds of love

    and to love, Lord, as you've loved me...

Where there is injury, pardon...
When my words cut deep and sharp as a knife,
when my idle gossip tears others apart,
when my carelessness does others harm,

when I plan and scheme to diminish a colleague:
    teach me, Lord, to pardon and heal
    as I've been healed and pardoned...

Where there is despair, hope...
Teach me, Lord,
to hope when I fear that all hope is gone,
to trust when I want so much to give up,
to endure when I'm weary, tired and spent,
to believe when I'm confused and filled with doubt
    and teach me to share your truth and my hope
    with those who seem to have neither...

Where there is darkness, light...
Teach me, Lord, 
to trust in your light when the world goes dark,
to walk by your light when shadows seduce me,
to stand in your light when I'm tempted to hide,
to bathe in your light, in its mercy and grace
    and to share the warmth and truth of your light
    with any and all who seek it...

Where there is sadness, joy...
Lighten my heart with the gifts of your Spirit,

draw me out of my pouting self-pity,
fill my soul with the peace of your presence,   
heal my heartache and free me to share
    the gift of your joy, the joy of your grace,
    the grace of your generous love...

O Divine Master...
Teach me find the peace that comes

    in forgiving my sisters and brothers; 
help me console my neighbor in grief
    no matter how deep my own pain maybe;
help me to find the depths of your love 

    in loving those whose needs are great
and in serving them, Lord, help me discern
    the things that I most need...

Teach me to give from my heart, Lord

    as your heart gives to me;
teach me to pardon my neighbor's faults

    as you pardon all of mine;
and deepen my trust, my faith and belief
    that in dying to self
    I rise to new life,
    to life forever

    and peace in you...

Prayer of St Francis by Allen Pote 
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And if you're pining for the more familiar version, here it is!





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