It's time for tricks or treats, Lord!
It's Halloween
- and I'm knocking at your door!
You see what's behind all the masks I wear
so I haven't come in a costume:
you see through my games,
my pranks and charades,
my stunts and my antics,
my capers and cons,
foolishness, all - and sometimes worse...
So, I come with this Halloween prayer, Lord,
a prayer for mercy and pardon
a plea for your healing forgiveness
for all my shenanigans, mischief and sins
and the tricks I've tried to play on you
- only duping myself and my neighbor...
I trust in your loving kindness, Lord
so much so that I'm bold to say:
` "No tricks - but a treat I'll ask this year,
the grace of a Halloween blessing:
treat me with mercy, healing and peace
on the eve of the feast of All Saints;
and fill my arms, my heart and my soul
with the sweetness and grace and joy...
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