
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 12/8

On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass.  Tonight we reflect on a verse found in today's gospel: 
    "A voice of one crying out in the desert, 
         'Prepare the way of the Lord, 
             make straight his paths.'"
Your one voice calls me, Lord:
    you speak to my heart
    in all its dry and barren places,

    in the wilderness my life can sometimes be...
You call me by name
    to prepare a way for you
    who come to make of my desert
    a lush and blooming garden...

You call me to change,
    to change my desires, my habits, my ways:
    to clear a smooth path
    for you to come and make your home in me...

You call me to make peace
    where I am, where I live,
    where I work and where I play
    with all I meet and know,
    whose paths cross mine each day...

Of all the voices 'round me, Lord,
    help me hear your one voice calling me
    to make a way, a place for you to dwell
    deep within my soul this Christmastide...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch for you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


It's hard to believe that it's 34 years ago that I recorded the lead vocal on Rachel Burckardt's beautiful Advent song, One Voice.  This piece was included on the album, Gross Santa's Yuletide Favorities (which isn't as weird as it sounds!). Musicians for One Voice came from the Wood Harbor Ensemble and the choir of St. Ann University Parish in Boston where I served as a campus minister for Northeastern University and Emerson College from 1982-1991.

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