

I'm sure my regular readers are assuming that I'm in Colorado, sitting with my sister and bro-in-law in their living room in front of a warm fire.... Well, not quite!  I was planning to fly to Denver on Tuesday morning the 17th, following a scheduled medical procedure the day before on the 16th.  The procedure turned out to be inconclusive for its own purpose but stirred up a lurking gastrointestinal problem.

Monday night I had severe chills so I went to the Emergency Room and was admitted.  Sure enough, I had a nasty urinary tract infection  - and not just that but a drop again in my platelet count.  Both issues have been treated and I expect to be discharged tomorrow (Friday) when I'll find out in the morning how soon my post-discharge treatment plan and my own common sense will allow for my heading west. I've already let the pastor of my sister's parish (where I was to celebrate Mass on Christmas Eve) know that he can't count on me for the 24th.

So, there has been disappointment this week but also gratitude that what I have is treatable, even if not in sync with my own plans and hopes.  I'm confident in and grateful for your faithful prayer and support!  I hope that in a few days I'll be back to posting.  I have a number of "annual posts" that I share each year so much of the work has already been done.  

I'm confident of your prayerful support!  I also ask you to trust that I'm not holding back any important information here - and to understand that I'm not planning to share any more of my medical file here on line. That's between me and my doctors and nurses - and  I trust them very much!

What can you do for me?   πŸ™  πŸ™  πŸ™

All Shall Be Well by Barbara Bridge
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All shall be well.  All shall be well, 
and all manner of thing,*
all manner of thing shall be well.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
My help will come from God,
my creator, from God who made heaven and earth.

God will keep your feet from stumbling
and guard you as you rest;
for God never slumbers nor sleeps.
God is with you by day and by night.

For God will always guard you from evil
and keep your soul from harm;
and God will guard your coming and going,
both now and forever more.

*The refrain is a well known, much loved quote from 
Julian of Norwich who died in the early 15th century.
In the language of her time "All manner of thing" was
an acceptable figure of speech.  If, in our own time, 
you prefer to sing "things," go right ahead! 





  1. Many prayers for your well being. We’ve had three medical mishaps in our family gathering!

  2. Praying for you, Father Fleming!

  3. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»Thinking of you and praying that you recover soon.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!