
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 2/15

I can study all that's past, Lord,
and pray to gain what wisdom
the ages may hand down...
I can scrutinize the present
and hope to read correctly
all the signs the times disclose...
But I cannot know the future,
can't foresee what's just ahead,
what tomorrow has in store...
For my story's arc is incomplete:
my destiny's a mystery
beyond my grasp and ken...
So I pray you give me grace, Lord,
to revere all I have learned,
to pay heed to what I see...
What's to come 
is known to you alone
and rests in your sure hands:
may your Spirit guide and guard me,
protect me and prepare me,
for what comes when morning dawns...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

You Are Near by Dan Schutte
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