This question has been on my mind, Lord:
Of all I that I prize and possess,
of all that consumes my time,
of all that I fear and grieve,
of all that troubles and worries me
- of all of this, Lord -
what will I have to offer
on that last day
when I stand before you,
knocking on heaven's door?
Well, there are some things I know!
My hands will be empty
as well as my pockets,
not to mention my wallet and purse...
I'll have no belongings,
no bling, stuff or toys,
no smart phone clutched in my hand...
I'll be naked and bare, fully exposed,
with nothing to cloak
my failings and sins...
My achievements, degrees,
my titles and honors,
will be of no merit or value...
And I know this, too...
I'll have but my heart, Lord,
my spirit, my soul,
to offer to you as my gift...
Nothing is mine, Lord,
save what you gave me
to cherish, to nourish and share...
when I come a-knocking,
that my heart be as pure as it might be,
my spirit be filled with your saving grace
and my soul be awash in your mercy
for of all I have I can only offer
what was first your blessing,
your gift to me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Take, Lord, Receive by John Foley, S.J.
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Take, Lord, receive, all my liberty.
My memory, understanding, my entire will!
Give me only your love and your grace,
that's enough for me!
Your love and your grace are enough for me!
that's enough for me!
Your love and your grace are enough for me!
Take Lord, receive, all I have and possess.
You have given all to me, now I return it.
Take Lord receive, all is yours now.
Dispose of it, wholly according to your will.
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