On Sundays, Night Prayer takes its lead from some element of the day's liturgy: this evening, the gospel proclaimed at mass. These may be the most demanding words Jesus ever spoke. Take a minute to read and review below an excerpt from what we heard at mass. (You can read the complete passage here.)
Jesus said:
“Love your enemies,
“Love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you,
bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you...
Do to others
Do to others
as you would have them do to you.
For if you love those who love you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners love those who love them...
But rather, love your enemies
For if you love those who love you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners love those who love them...
But rather, love your enemies
and do good to them...
Be merciful,
Be merciful,
just as your Father is merciful.
Stop judging
Stop judging
and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning
Stop condemning
and you will not be condemned.
and you will be forgiven..."
I'm still looking for another verse, Lord
- or maybe a footnote -
detailing what might be,
what must be, what should be
the situations and circumstances
exempting, dispensing and excusing me
from the absurdity, the unfairness,
well, the rigors
of these foolish, unreasonable
demanding commands...
But I find no exclusionary clause here,
no allowance for personal injury,
no exceptions for cause or convenience,
no passes or coupons granting permission
to bypass or shortcut
your rules for love...
Each time I watch the news, Lord,
I transgress your law of love.
I fail to do unto others
as I'd have them do unto me.
Rather than pray for my enemies,
I'm quick to curse and condemn them.
I'm always ready to judge and accuse
- except when it comes to myself.
I pray for your mercy,
your pardon and peace,
but I'm slow to forgive the neighbor
who trespasses against me...
Let your words, your rules and your law
stretch me, Lord:
beyond my pride and arrogance,
my prejudice and bias;
beyond my nasty judgments
and my hasty condemnations;
beyond my lonely selfishness
and narrow-minded ways;
beyond the bounds and limits
of my uninformed opinions;
beyond the small world I mistake
to be the universe;
beyond my blind acceptance
of myself as always right;
beyond my shameful hubris, Lord
and to a self-acceptance
of myself and of my sins
in need of your sweet mercy
and your gracious, healing love...
Most of all, Lord,
don't let me dismiss your words as
absurd, unfair,
unreasonable or foolish
but let them challenge me:
to give of myself as you give to me,
to forgive my neighbor as your forgive me,
to love all others as you love me
and to do unto others
as I'd have them
do unto me...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Love Your Enemies by Kyle Sigmon
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