There's just so much in my life, Lord,
so much that's - unknown!
I suppose I could say that, indeed,
the whole rest of my life is unknown
- but that I can deal with...
It's the particulars of the unknown
that get to me...
- feeling powerless
over much that matters to me,
that's so far beyond my reach...
- what's going to happen to the people
I love, care for and worry about?
- wondering if I'm going to change
the things in me
I really want to change...
- will I find the strength to do
the things I've always wanted to do?
- what's around the corner and up ahead
that I can't yet see
and don't know how to prepare for?
- will I find the strength and wisdom
to make the choices and decisions
I so much want to make?
- is my future going to be better, safer,
healthier, happier and more peaceful
than the past that trails behind me?
- will I have the faith and hope I need:
to trust in you and walk your path?
to always do the next right thing?
to choose what's honest, true and good?
to tell myself the truth
when I'd rather live a lie?
to put the needs of others first,
ahead of my own comfort?
to name you as my Lord, my God,
my way, my truth, my life,
my only hope, my rock of strength,
my Savior and Redeemer...
Have I found the answer to my prayer
- right here in my prayer?
The unknown is just that, Lord - unknown.
Well, it's unknown to me - but not to you.
Nothing is unknown to you:
you know what lies ahead for me,
you everything about the rest of my life;
you know how you'll guard and guide me
and you know how I'll follow and flee you;
you know how I'll make progress and succeed
and how I'll stumble and fail
and you know how you'll forgive me, heal me,
lift me up, dust me off
refresh me and restore me;
you know every mountain I'll need to climb
and every valley where I'll find rest;
you know that you'll walk with me
every step along my way,
that you'll never forget or abandon me,
even and especially in my hard times,
even and especially
when I find it hard to find you
- you'll be there...
Nothing is unknown to you, Lord
and I know that you know you'll be with me:
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
in sorrow and in joy,
in my prudence and my foolishness,
in all my ups and downs,
in achievement and defeat,
in my certainty and doubt
in my confidence and fear
- and in the unknown and the known...
As long as you know my future, Lord,
I needn't worry about the unknown
for you are Lord Of The Unknown:
Lord of my hidden, uncharted future;
Lord of all my comings and my goings,
all that's yet to be revealed;
Lord of the mystery
of all you have in store for me;
Lord of every blessing, gift and grace
waiting just ahead for me
in tales and times unfolding
in your heart, your will, your hands...
Loving and all-knowing God,
free me from my fear of the unknown
and fill me with trust and hope in you
who have known me from all time...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
O God, You Search Me and You Know Me
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