A few verses from the first reading at mass yesterday (Sirach 6:14-16 ) have continued to echo in my heart...
Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter;
whoever finds one finds a treasure.
Faithful friends are beyond price,
no amount can balance their worth.
Faithful friends are life-saving medicine;
those who fear God will find them.
those who fear God will find them.
I'm grateful for all my friends, Lord!
They have, indeed, been shelter for me
when I felt I had nowhere to go,
when the storms of life tossed me to and fro,
when the heat of day was bearing down,
when my heart was seeking a place to rest...
I'm grateful for all my friends, Lord!
Their value to me surpasses all bounty,
they're like precious gems in a crown of love,
they're my treasure, my pride,
they're my wealth and my prize,
worth more than their weight in gold - fare more!
I'm grateful for all my friends, Lord!
They're a soothing salve and a healing balm,
a tonic to quench my thirst for wholeness,
a medicine helpful for lifting my spirits,
a remedy, Lord, for just what ails me,
nursing me gently with patience and love...
I'm grateful for all my friends, Lord,
but above all I'm grateul for ou
who laid down your life for the likes of me
who shepherds my way, my best friend forever...
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