
What do YOU think?

Well, it's not really Gallup but on the sidebar you'll see a poll question and an opportunity to register your opinion.

I've added this for two reasons. First, I'm interested in your response to what I'm offering here and the poll can give me (and all of you) a quick read on that. Second, I'm interested in seeing if you'll be willing to respond to other poll questions in the future. It would be interesting to see where we all stand on debatable issues.

As always: your participating in the poll is totally anonymous. I have no way of knowing who participates.

And I'm not just fishing for compliments here. Whatever your response on the poll, please feel free to comment in your own words by clicking on COMMENTS below.


  1. I think it would be very interesting to poll on debatable issues. I think your blog is quite informative in many ways. I hope the younger parishioners will tune in!

  2. I have enjoyed the blog and find it very engaging with a combination of religiosity-inspired topics and those of a more general nature. For me, it is difficult to read the longer pieces because of time constraints and I find myself maybe choosing one and skipping the rest. Maybe that's the way a blog is supposed to work but if you could present things more briefly, I could engage in more topics. And truly, I'm not a lazy person...

  3. I love reading it.... Keeps me in touch with what is going on in and around Concord and with one of my favorite pastors! Keep it going.

  4. "but if you could present things more briefly..."

    Well, given my schedule, I think you can count on briefer rather longer posts from my end - especially as the more leisurely summer schedule gives way to September!

    On the other hand, one of the things I want to accomplish here is, on occasion, to give a wider context for church events than the media offer.

    Read what you can, when you can - and comment as the Spirit moves you!

  5. First, thank you for asking what we think. I don't think there is enough of that in the world.
    Your blog has given me another way to feel connected, which is not easy.
    I look forward to more of your very thoughtful, informative, and helpful comments...

  6. I like the idea. I suspect people would be much more open/frank in an anonymous context, so you might get some interesting results.

  7. I wish more people would use a fictitious name because it is hard to follow someone's thoughts. All the anonymous could be one person, a few, or many. I wish a few would dare to give us a chance to follow your thoughts. I know, I'm not providing a good example...

  8. Bad example apart, the last commentor makes a good point. If you choose a fictitious name, then other posters can begin to identify NOT who you are but rather your train of thought on a particular post or in several posts on the blog.

    How do you sign in with a fictitious name? Click on "Other" under "Leave your comment) and two boxes will appear: "name" and "your web page."

    Enter your fictitious "name" and ignore the "web page" box.

    It's easy - and STILL anonymous!

  9. In the words of my students, you and your blog rock my socks. (that's a good thing)

  10. okay, here goes...
    I don't really have a comment right now, I was just braving not commenting anonymously...

  11. I enjoy the blog and especially look forward to your comments on religious and other issues

  12. I agree with one of you "anonymous" people and concordpastor that there should be more ficticious names used, rather than so many "anonymous" entries. If everyone uses their own ficticious name, it will be easier for us to comment on a particular entry, while still not knowing who posted it.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!