
For later tonight: a prayer

Photo by Geraint Smith

Day is done, Lord...

The sun has set

on this day's joys and sadness,

and all the unfinished business

that must rest until tomorrow...

For the best of this day

I give you the praise,

and for my sins this day
I ask your mercy and pardon...

Grant me the blessing, Lord,

of a peaceful night,

deep, refreshing sleep

and sweet dreams to hold me...

Send angels, Lord,

to sweep worries from mind,

fears from my heart

and troubled memories from my soul.

Stand guard with all

who through this night
keep vigil watch

for the world's peace.

Day is done:

be with me, Lord, and with those I love
'til the sun shall rise again...

- ConcordPastor


  1. How beautiful. Thank you for offering this to us. I, for one, am thankful.

  2. Thank you for the comfort and peace I needed so desperately this night...

  3. What beautiful words to hear and speak. Something for us all to meditate on.
    Thank you


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!