
9:30 and 11:30

A few posts below, I commented on my experience at our 11:30 Mass on the Second Sunday of Advent. In the combox there was some puzzlement over the difference between the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses - when, indeed, there hadn't been much difference at all. To assure the 9:30 folks that I wasn't favoring one celebration over the other, allow me to share this email message from one of the dads in our parish:

I have just read your ‘blog about the 11:30 yesterday and I’m sorry to have missed the Mass! My wife was at the 9:30 and 11:30 and said both were great. One of my sons came down sick on Saturday night so I was at home with him yesterday. However, I did run out long enough to pick up my other son and his friend (both in the middle school choir) to drive them home from the 9:30. I wanted to tell you that as soon as we hit the car both kids launched into a description of your homily. Not just that you sang “White Christmas” (although that was part of it), but the message of the homily also came through loud and clear. Thank you for delivering your message in such a powerful way that you got even the attention of 11 and 12 year-olds who were probably (and understandably) preoccupied with solo parts they were going to sing during the offertory!

I read your homily on the ‘blog last night - and the kids got it: the entire message. Well done!

I include these kind comments not to blow my own horn but to share with you that (as I noted in my remarks about the 11:30) the 9:30 was also "one of those celebrations where everything comes together as you always hope it will but often doesn't." Any time the Spirit helps me to preach a homily that reaches young and old alike I am grateful and happy. I've probably already been reported to the Liturgy Police for singing White Christmas -in Advent- at Mass, but sometimes the road the scripture lays out for us takes some unexpected turns.

(Enjoy the video above but don't forget that it's still a "scrawny, piddling, trivial dream!")

1 comment:

  1. Happy St. Lucy Day! My dog Lucy died a little over three years ago. I always wished her a happy feast day and still do! I picture her today (a black lab mix - very vivacious - adorable really) in a diaphonous white gown with organza wings and a wreath with candles on her head floating around heaven! I miss my puppy. She was a wonderful mainstay for me.


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