
Where did that come from?

In a combox (somewhere below), a reader asked where I find the graphics to illustrate my posts here. The process is quite simple. After writing an item for my blog I Google a word or phrase that I believe "sums up" the post. When the Google response appears on my screen, across the top of the page will be a link to images. Clicking on images will produce hundreds of graphic possibilities from which to choose. (If I find nothing there, "tweaking" the word/phrase for the Google search will often turn up different images.) I then post the image's URL to my blog and voila the post is illustrated. The process is simple but the search for "just the right graphic" can be time consuming - a hunt I enjoy! When possible, such illustrations are attributed to their artist/source and a link thereto provided. (Often, although not always, clicking on the image on the blog will produce a larger version.)

In an email a reader asked me the source of items on this blog. I try to be very careful to give attribution to authors and their publications, and to provide a link thereto whenever possible. So, any unattributed material is my own composition.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information on where you find the illustrations for your blog articles. I tried it
    and it works. Cool ...!

    I check your blog twice a day and really appreciate all the work you put into it.


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