
Pastoral planning in the Archdiocese of Boston

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Cardinal O'Malley has written this letter as a follow-up to the report/study of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan Commission. I commented on this report here in early October and it is this report which I began excerpting last Sunday in my weekly letter to the parish.

December 14, 2007

My dear friends in Christ,

As we move through the Advent season, a time of hope and expectation, allow me to take this opportunity to provide you an update on the work of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Committee. In January of 2006 I appointed this group to assess the present reality of our parishes and options we will need to consider for the future. The committee's report, which is not a plan but rather a call for a grass roots planning process, received widespread publicity following its release in May and has been available for review through the Archdiocesan web site, www.rcab.org
, since then. During the past several months there have been consultations with a variety of groups, including the Presbyteral Council, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, the Cabinet and the Auxiliary Bishops, to obtain their reaction to the report's findings and recommendations and to hear their suggestions.

In order to move ahead to promote vibrant parish life, we need to assess the best way to staff our parishes with the limited number of priests we see for the foreseeable future, and to provide well-qualified staff and well-formed and dedicated volunteers to assist the clergy and religious. This in turn requires that parishes collaborate so that each one is able to have a full pastoral and spiritual life with the available resources.

Some parishes and vicariates have already begun meeting to assess the report and consider its implications. I encourage them to continue to meet and to plan for the future. We are working to develop an implementation plan that which will include identifying the resources necessary to assist parishes (e.g., the use of professional facilitators). This is a major undertaking that will require the care and commitment of all aspects of our Archdiocese. When this implementation plan is finalized, we will announce the next steps to ensure a culture of planning in the Archdiocese and to support parishes in this process.

A clear and thoughtful response to the Archdiocese's needs as presented in the Pastoral Planning Committee's report must be among our highest priorities. Your input is welcome and needed. Please consider the opportunities to work with your parish staff and vicariate leadership to plan for the future. Also, we would appreciate your sharing your comments and recommendations concerning the report with Sr. Marian Batho, CSJ, Secretary for Regional Services. Sr. Marian can be reached by telephone at 617 746 5637 or through email at: sr_marian_batho@rcab.org

Please be assured of my prayers as together we go forward to build up the Church,

+ Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Boston

1 comment:

  1. Concord Pastor,

    Thank you for posting the Archbishop's letter. I think the important first step is to be sure that people are aware of the realities of the situation. The Archbishop's letter confirms not only that he is aware but will, I hope, raise others' level of awareness.

    We have some time to respond to the pending situation and that allows people some time to adjust their thinking to the realitites of the Archdiocese's future. One of the problems with the parish closings, I believe, was the rapidity of the process that didn't allow the time for many to acclimate themselves. We don't have an abundance of time, of course, but at least more than was the case in 2004.


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