
So, what do YOU say?

This whole business about whether or not to say Merry Christmas to folks leaves me, for the most part, unmoved.

Somewhat off-putting, and most likely counter-productive to its intention, is the militant approach: I'm gonna wish you a Merry Christmas and you damn well better like it!

Curious are those who claim that no one should mind hearing or saying Merry Christmas because, after all, Christmas has exceeded its religious origins and it's for anyone of good will. I'm just not sure when it was that Christmas, as I honor it, stepped beyond its religious origin - unless you're referring to commercialism's hijacking of Christ's birthday for its own profit.

Historically inaccurate are those who seem to think that Christmas originated in America. Take a look at these bumper stickers:

And, totally taken in by the PC attitude are those who, when leaving Church after Midnight Mass on Christmas, greet me, their pastor, with the generic, Happy Holidays, Father!

Here's my take and my approach:

- As friendly and warm as such greetings can be, the scriptures do not mention them as a category by which we'll be judged when the Lord separates the sheep from the goats. Much more important at this time of year are our efforts to do what is just, love what is good and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).
- A little cultural wackiness at work here? Yes - but I'm not easily persuaded that any significant religious or civil liberties are on the line.
- I wish a Merry Christmas to those I meet who I know share my faith in Christ.
Closer to Christmas I greet strangers with a Happy Holidays or return a Merry Christmas if that's how they've greeted me.
- Anyone who worships with me on Christmas Eve or Day is going to hear me tell them Merry Christmas!

So, what do you say?


  1. I agree in that I wish Merry Christmas to those I know celebrate to my Jewish brothers and Sisters I say Happy Hanukah (not sure I know how to spell it) and to those that I know idea what (if any) relgion thaey may practice I do say Happy Holidays. Why offend someone during this season of love and peace.

  2. To people I know celebrate Christmas, I say "Merry Christmas". To those I'm not sure, I say "Happy Holidays." And then ... to people who I know for some reason or another will NOT be happy this Christmas, I find a way to say I hope they find some peace in these difficult days.

  3. Wow, I was pretty much going to write exactly what "anonymous" did. I'm proud of myself when I get the complicated Jewish holidays right!

  4. I say Merry Christmas to one and all unless I know for sure that they would be offended because I already know that they are Jewish or Muslim or something other than Christian.

    My atheist, agnostic and pagan friends (key word: friends -- they know my personality) get a resounding and joy filled, "Merry Christmas!" They seem to be fine with it and often offer the same words in response!

  5. I say Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, same for Happy Hanukkah. But "happy holidays" can be heartfelt too, and "safe" with a stranger.

    What I do NOT say (or watch) is the "Macy's Day Parade". What happened to Thanksgiving? Did anyone else even notice that they'd dropped the holiday from the name of the parade?


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