
Bishop-elect Michael

Bishop-elect Michael Duca celebrates Mass in the chapel of St. John Berchmans Cathedral in Shreveport, LA. I'm guessing that it's Holy Family Chapel, given the striking image of Jesus, Mary and Joseph over the chair. (The photo is from SHPTDiocese's Photos at Flikr)

Four blogs, including Whispers, Happy Catholic, Opinionated Catholic and the News Star Forum have picked up and passed on my post (She Thought It Was the Gardener) on Bishop-elect Michael Duca. Thanks to my fellow bloggers for the support, and WELCOME to all who are visiting here for the first time!

UPDATE: A reader in the combox tells us that it's the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel, not Holy Family, and that the beautiful image is carved from a single piece of wood. Thanks for the info! (Click on the image for a larger version.)



  1. It is so wonderful to read favorable press and kind comments about a the newly appointed bishop of Shreveport.

    I particularly liked the quote posted in Whispers: "being a shepherd means he will "walk with the people, not so far ahead that they will have to look up to you.""

    Looks like the ConcordPastor blogspot is pretty widely read!

  2. The chapel is actually St. Michael the Archangel. The artwork you see in the picture was a gift froma local family when the chapel was built. It's carved from a single piece of wood.

    There are more pictures of Msgr. Duca's visit at www.sjbcatherdral.org

  3. Thanks to anonymous for what looks to be an on-the-scene comment from Shreveport. As pastor of a Holy Family Parish I jumped to my conclusion about the name of the cathedral chapel. Still love the wall piece and am grateful for the info of its being carved from one piece of wood.

  4. No CP thank you!!! Your piece is wonderful. I've shared it with many of my fellow Shreveport Catholics!

    www.shreveporttimes.com had a wonderful front-page spread yesterday. The relgion reporter (a local Catholic) wrote some nice things on her blog as well.

    Our diocese is thrilled and hopeful about the future.

  5. Isn't it wonderful to see how happy and excited the people of Shreveport are about their new bishop? Wish all of the bishop stories could generate as much enthusiasm. I am curious as to how all of the bloggers you mentioned that picked up your post found your post. Is it by sheer chance that they land on your blog? I am glad that the word is spreading about ConcordPastor.blogspot.com no matter how it happens!

  6. Some bloggers already read my blog so they would have come across it: then one blogger reads another blogger and... Others may have found it simply by Googling "Bishop Michael Duca" and coming across a link to my post.


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